
I have mentioned workarounds in many posts and comments. For many PMP aspirants, this was a new concept. A few of them requested that I write a post explaining it.

Today, we will be going into detail about:

  • 什么是解决方法?
  • 我们用于解决方案的计划?
  • Which reserve will you use for workarounds?
  • In which process do you manage workarounds?


解决方法s are responses to unidentifiedrisks或被动接受的风险。

Put simply, if any unidentified risk occurs, you will manage it through a workaround. If you have any identified risks you did not plan for, you will also use a workaround to manage them.




应急计划和后备计划are developed to manage identified risks, but workarounds are a response to unidentified risks.


Which reserve will you use for workarounds?

您在项目管理方面有两个风险储备:contingency reserve and management reserve.


In which process do you carry out a workaround?



解决方法s are responses to unidentified risks. Once any unidentified risk occurs, you will develop a plan and try to manage it. There is no pre-existing plan for workarounds, and you use the management reserve.

How do you manage workarounds in your project? Please share your experiences in the comments section.