工作绩效信息WPIvs Work Performance Measurements WPM

这篇博客文章基于《 PMBOK指南》的第四版,以及第5版《 PMBOK指南》,PMI改变了此博客文章中manbet最新版使用的术语的定义;因此,这篇文章现在已经过时了。

我已经根据PMBOK指南的当前版本重新编写了此博客文章(6manbet最新版Th版)。请拜访:Work Performance Data and Work Performance Information。I am leaving this post in case someone wants to review the old post under the PMBOK Guide (4Th版)。

Management is always interested in the status and progress of the project. They want to know:

  • 该项目的百分比已完成?
  • 尚未完成什么百分比?
  • 花了多少钱?
  • What have you earned?
  • Are you ahead or behind schedule?

So, how will you provide them with this information?

You can show them this information through the工作绩效报告。This report shows all the information required by项目利益相关者, as defined in the communication management plan.



Work performance information is the raw data of the project’s status. It refers to what percentage of work has been completed, how much time has elapsed, the cost incurred, and more.

It provides us with the current status of the项目。You use this information to create work performance measurements and then the work performance report.


  • 多少工作已经完成?
  • 时间表的进度是什么?
  • 迄今为止已经发生了什么费用?
  • 产品的质量指标是什么?
  • 什么是风险状况?
  • What is the采购表现?


Once you get the status, you compare it with your planned progress and come up with work performance measurements. They are the comparison between the planned progress and the current status of the project.

Some examples of work performance measurements include:

Schedule Performance

Here you will compare the planned schedule with the actual schedule.

For example, for an activity that was scheduled to be completed in five days, work performance measurements show how long it actually took to complete.

Cost Performance


For example, what was the planned cost for the activity, and how much did you actually spend to complete it?


Here you compare the planned performance with the actual performance.

For example, you will measure how many defects, tolerance, and threshold were allowed and how many occurred.


Here you will see the effectiveness of yourrisk management plan



Here you will compare the seller’s actual performance against the planned performance.

The Difference Between Work Performance Information and Work Performance Measurements


  • 工作绩效信息是可交付成果的“目前”状态,而工作绩效测量是实际状态和计划状态之间的比较。
  • Work performance measurements are developed with the help of work performance information.
  • Examples of work performance information include the time elapsed and money spent, while cost variance and schedule variance, cost performance index and schedule performance index, and more, are examples of work performance measurements.


Work performance information and work performance measurements help inearned value managementand forecasting. They help you prepare the performance report that you can send to your stakeholders. Based on this performance report, management decides how to proceed further.


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