risk vs issue

Today we will discuss risk vs issue.

风险managementis an integral part of project management, and risk and issue are通用风险管理术语that many professionals think are the same, which is incorrect.

Therefore, I am writing this blog post to help you understand the difference between these terms.

I hope this post will help you understand the difference between the two and how to best deal with issues and risks.





风险管理不仅仅是制定计划最大程度地降低负风险的概率和影响but also最大化积极风险的机会或影响

There are three key steps in risk management:

  • 风险标识:This involves identifying potential risks and categorizing them according to their likelihood and impact.
  • 风险响应计划:Once risks have been identified, you need to develop a plan to deal with them.
  • 监视和控制:在这里,您确保按计划实施风险响应计划。

You have many tools and techniques for risk identification and response planning, including brainstorming,因果图和决策树。对您正在处理的特定项目并使用最合适的工具定制方法很重要。


Types of Risk in Project Management

There are various风险类型在项目管理中:

  • 技术风险:这些是指项目中使用的技术可能无法按计划使用的可能性。例如,该项目中首次使用的新软件程序可能无法正常运行。
  • Managerial Risks:These risks include internal factors, such as poor communication between team members. This can often slow down a project or even cause it to fail altogether.
  • 业务/赞助风险:这是改变公司目标和优先事项的业务风险,并可能危及您的项目。这通常发生在公司重组或合并和收购的时期。
  • 财务风险:Financial risks typically refer to possible monetary loss, for example, inaccurate cost estimation, an overly optimistic budget, etc.
  • Organizational Risks:These include risks like a project not receiving the necessary support from stakeholders to be completed successfully.
  • Reputational Risk:当项目受到对您公司的反映不力的事物(例如丑闻或与道德有关的问题)的不良影响时,就会发生这种情况。
  • Strategic Risk:战略风险会影响组织的核心,并导致它失去潜在客户,如果不及时解决。例如,竞争对手可以进入市场并带走您的份额。
  • Performance Risk:这是该项目的实际结果与最初预期的情况不同的时候。它来自项目团队不符合设定的截止日期或目标。
  • Schedule Risk:这是指由于不足时间进行测试的因素而延迟项目的风险。
  • Scope Risks:范围风险直接与您的产品或服务有关,如果不仔细管理,可能会影响其质量。例如,添加新功能而不经过更改管理过程可能会延迟毛刺产品的释放。
  • Operational Risk:这种风险是您的团队在项目期间无法应对意外事件的可能性。例如,由于工作地点的破坏,团队成员在地震期间无法工作。
  • 资源风险:These refer to factors such as insufficient or unqualified staff members, which could cause delays in your project due to them not being able to meet deadlines.
  • Environmental Risks:These are risks posed by external factors, such as natural disasters or political instability in a certain region.


项目管理是指任何probl中的一个问题em or current obstacle that could prevent the project from achieving its objectives. An issue has either already happened or is happening at the moment.

A project can have many issues, and you must prepare to deal with them. Some common issues in project management are:

  • Communication gaps among team members.
  • 团队成员之间的目标或目标矛盾。
  • Unclear roles and responsibilities among team members.
  • 团队成员之间解决问题的无效。
  • Lack of coordination between different departments or teams.
  • Inability to meet deadlines or milestones.
  • Poor planning and execution.

当这些问题出现时,您必须处理这些问题。这可能包括备份计划,后备选项应急预算, and schedules. By preparing for issues, you can reduce the chances of them causing problems down the road.








The response to risks and issues is different. Risk management seeks to eliminate the probability of negative events.




风险和问题所需的文档也有所不同。风险必须记录在risk register, while issues can be tracked on a defect tracker or problem log.



如果在风险计划中未发现任何问题,则可以管理它们through a workaround


风险s and issues are documented in different ways in project management. The level of detail in this documentation can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project and the organization’s risk management procedures.

风险data can be documented in a risk log or register, which has the following information:

  • 风险的全名
  • 风险描述
  • 预期的影响
  • 您想拥有解决方案的日期
  • 缓解技术

A project manager can use an issue register orissue log跟踪问题。可以在问题登记册中找到以下信息:

  • The log’s date
  • 问题的描述
  • Steps and actions to take
  • Updates on the progress
  • 评估效果
  • Date and details of the resolution




John works for a construction company as a project manager. While compiling the business plan, he evaluates the project risk. He realizes that his team might not complete the construction on time with the current schedule. He wants to handle this danger since the client’s deadline is critical.






She decides to prioritize communication in a variety of ways. To begin, she schedules a weekly meeting in the middle of each team member’s shift so that everyone can participate. She also introduces a new online communication tool that members can use at any time. She makes it easier for everybody to effectively communicate and accomplish duties on schedule by posting all tasks online.


  • 风险需要单独的回应。他们对正面和负面风险有不同的反应。相反,问题主要是负面的,需要纠正措施
  • 风险和问题是分开的,因此它们必须具有不同的机制来应对它们。问题具有一定程度的不确定性,而风险可以得到资格和量化。
  • 主动风险管理可确保该项目的问题最小。
  • 问题是手头的问题,对它们进行管理对于防止它们影响您的项目是必要的。
  • 如果您的项目遇到了许多问题,则表明您的风险管理计划不健全。

Assumption and Constraint vs Risk and Issue

Since we are discussing issues and risks, you should know two more terms that you might encounter along with risk and issues:假设和约束

  • 假设是应该是真实的条件。如果这些假设术语变为错误,它们可能会成为风险和问题。
  • 约束是限制强加给这个项目。If they turn false, they would be beneficial for the project. These constraints can sometimes change to risks or issues.


A project manager needs to have a plan in place for risk management. If you are not prepared for risks, they can become issues.


Here is where this post on risk vs issue ends.

Note that this topic is important from a PMP exam point of view.
