cost estimation tools

Cost estimation tools help you accurately estimate costs in project management. Also known as project estimation tools, they serve many purposes. For example, a business will use cost estimation tools to quote the correct price when bidding for a project.

You may use the cost estimation process during the project execution as changes occur, and you will probably repeat the process when the need arises.

In today’s blog post, I will discuss a few project estimation tools that can help you pinpoint the cost of project activities.

Let’s get started.

Cost Estimation Tools

Before discussing the estimating technique, let us have a quick look at the cost estimation process.

US GAO将成本估计定义为“使用既定的方法和有效数据的个人成本要素的总结,以根据当今已知的内容估算程序的未来成本。”

这PMBOK Guide defines the cost estimation process as “the process of developing an approximation of the cost of resources needed to complete project work.” More simply, cost estimation is the process of forecasting the project’s cost with a defined scope.


这project cost includes the resources and应急储备。To calculate resource/project costs, you can use four tools:

  1. 类似的估计
  2. Parametric Estimating
  3. Three-Points Estimating
  4. Bottom-up Estimating

在所有选项中,analogous estimationis the least accurate, and bottom-up estimating is the most precise.

这re is a difference between this process and the估计活动持续时间process; however, both use the same tools for estimation. One applies to cost and the other to duration.


Project managers use this estimation technique when limited project information is available. This estimation tool does not provide a reliable estimation; however, it does provide two benefits: quick results and less effort.




Analogous estimating is also known as top-down estimating.


  • This is the fastest but least accurate technique.
  • 当您的详细信息较少和有限的时间时,此技术很有用。

Parametric Estimating

Like analogous estimating,parametric estimationuses historical data to calculate cost; however, it relies on statistical data, taking variables from similar projects and applying them to the current one.


Similarly, you can calculate the cost of other parameters: human resources, materials, equipment, etc.

Because it relies on statistical data, parametric estimation is more accurate than analogous estimation.

Key Points:

  • 这使用历史数据和变量之间的统计关系。
  • This technique is more accurate than analogous estimation.

Three-Points Estimating



PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)基于Beta分布。

这PERT estimate formula is:

CE =(CO + 4cm + CP) / 6

Where Ce = Expected Cost

Cm is the Most Likely Cost. It considers a typical project where everything goes as planned. Cp is the Pessimistic Cost, where almost everything goes wrong. Co is the Optimistic Cost, where everything goes better than presumed.

这triangular estimate formula is:

CE =(CO + CM + CP) / 3

This estimation technique minimizes a biased interpretation of the data.

Key Points:

  • 该技术从估计中降低了偏见,风险和不确定性。
  • 它比类似和参数估计技术更准确。

Bottom-up Estimating

bottom-up estimating technique也称为“确定技术”。这是最准确的成本估算工具,但它会消耗时间和资源。新万博登录手机版在这里,您将计算每项活动的成本,并以最高的细节级别汇总以计算总项目成本。此技术提供准确性从-5%到10%

Simply put, you will break the project work into its smallest work components. Then, you will estimate the cost of each component and aggregate it to get the项目成本估算

Key Points:

  • 这是最准确的成本估计技术,并提供可靠的结果。
  • You can use this cost management tool when you have all the project details.
  • This technique is costly and time-consuming.

成本估算是一个迭代过程,这意味着可以在不同的stages of theproject life cycle成本管理计划中定义。此过程可帮助您确定成本基准。

You should choose a cost estimating tool that fits your project’s requirements A flawed estimation will result in costly mistakes, and you might end up having to complete the project out of pocket. This is disastrous for your project and undermines the credibility of your organization.



It is important to note that the more accurate the method, the more costly and time-consuming it becomes. You will use the estimation technique best suited to your situation. It is not always advisable to use bottom-up estimating when you are short on time or resources.

