The PMP Exam Lessons Learned By Ashvini K Chhabra

June 8, 2021
Fahad Usmani
pmp exam lessons learned ashvini

Here is my lessons learned for my PMP journey.

我渴望become a PMPfor almost 7 to 8 years. However, due to long working hours and official tours from 2009 to 2013, I could not pursue it.

I completed the PRINCE2 but thePMP认证具有自己的魅力,因为它不仅可以测试您的概念,而且可以多快地决定最佳答案。这类似于T20板球比赛,在20分之遥的情况下,您需要平均每场比赛8到9次得分(在大多数(如果不是全部)比赛中)。


My primary resource was themanbet最新版PMBOK指南,第六版,我读了三遍盖子。这不是一个有趣的或简单的阅读,但是没有它,您将无法做到。很多时候,这让我感到困惑。此外,我提到了Rita Mulcahy’s andKim Heldman’sbooks as supplementary resources to clarify the concepts I didn’t understand from the PMBOK Guide.

我发现金·霍尔德曼(Kim Heldman)的书比丽塔(Rita)的书更有帮助,因为他详细解释了这些概念。他的工作是根据过程组而不是知识领域组织的。另一方面,在丽塔(Rita)的书中,详细说明了过程和采购管理。

我不时提到法哈德的博客,以了解PMP考试的各个方面,例如概念,模拟测试等。他简化了概念以提供清晰度。我买了他PMP Formula Guide, which turned out to be invaluable.

此外,我提到了Praveen’s blog from time to time to understand various aspects like study plans, passing criteria, an analysis of study resources, and mock tests.

For the mock tests, I purchased thePM Exam Simulator by Cornelius Fitchner. A few years ago, I bought aPMP math book written by Vidya Subramanian. Though it is written for the PMBOK Guide, 5th edition, it still holds well to a great extent. She explains the concepts related to PMP math nicely. In addition, explanations on quality management tools like histograms,run charts, control charts, beta, normal, triangular distribution, and more are covered in detail.

I used to answer the practice questions from the summary guide given by my training provider, Rita’s book, Kim Heldman’s book,约瑟夫·菲利普斯(Joseph Phillips)的练习问题and one more training video on Udemy in my attempt a wide variety of questions.

In addition, my training provider, M/s EPMC Pvt. Ltd, based in Thane-Mumbai, used to send one question daily after the completion of themanbetx2.0手机安卓版联系时间培训课程. They offered five full-length mock tests, but I only took one and got 69%. It was a tough mock test.

我感谢M/S EPMC的导师Vaijyantee Kamat夫人和Satessh Kamat先生的宝贵意见和指导。

我尝试了奥利弗·雷曼(Oliver Lehmann)的两项测试。我得分61/200和84/100。

For Cornelius’s mock tests, I initially chose the customized test of two hours with 100 questions from each knowledge area. I did it twice.

In the first trial, I scored 80-84/100 in eight knowledge areas and 72 & 79/100 in two knowledge areas. In the second trial, I scored 82-92 /100 in all knowledge areas.


我遇到了理解PMBOK指南第六版的概念的困难,例如敏捷,迭代,增量LC,manbet最新版configuration management,组织的结构,critical path method,质量管理工具,EVM公式描述,采购合同类型, etc.

For these topics, I referred to the study guides as mentioned above. I also used a Google search.

Issues I Faced


While analyzing the results of the mock tests, I noticed that out of the total wrong answers of 10 to 25, nearly 30% to 40% answers were attributed to an error in reading due to eye fatigue, and I cursed myself. I didn’t face this problem while answering the questions from the printed books. Hence, I was concerned that would happen during the actual exam.

I am used to attempting online exams as I have completed certifications like Novell CNE, Microsoft MCP, and Cisco CCNA over the past 15 years. However, the duration of those exams was a maximum of two hours, and the PMP exam duration is four hours.

Hence, I discussed the matter with a medical practitioner who prescribed eye drops to me and it turned out I had dry eye syndrome. Sitting in the AC environment of offices in the long run can cause dry eye syndrome. Those eye drops helped me to overcome this issue to a great extent.

My suggestion to other aspirants is that they should undergo an eye examination whenever they开始考试准备. Breathing and concentration exercises are also helpful. Since this is a four-hour exam, it is advisable that you not go with a fatigued mind.



My exam hall experience was good, and the staff was helpful. The majority of the questions were of medium to high-level difficulty. Most of the questions had two to three options that were very similar. Hence, choosing the best answer was a challenge, and it took more time. I missed three math questions because they took too long so I marked them for review to allow me time to answer the remaining questions. The actual exam was more difficult than the mock tests.

My Lessons Learned for PMP Aspirants

What I wish to tell all PMP aspirants is that reading the PMBOK Guide is a must; read it at least two to three times cover to cover. Do research about the topics, which you did not understand while reading the PMBOK Guide to get the right understanding, and solve plenty of practice questions which have two to three closely matching options. While studying, try to understand the sequence of actions or process as many questions asked what you would do next as a project manager.

All the best to the PMP aspirants.


Ashvini K Chhabra, PMP

PMP Question Bank


PMP Formula Guide


Recommended Reading

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  • 感谢您为像我这样的PMI认证寻求者提供详尽的指南。我祈祷能够详细介绍个人和所需​​的教练阅读的细节,以达到顶峰。如果您一贯指导我,我将不胜感激。

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