time for pmp exam preparation

您需要多长时间PMP exam准备工作取决于一件事:您。您每天可以花几个小时,您的知识差距有多大?

Each aspirant will take their own PMP exam preparation time.


他献身于第一年manbet最新版,第二年是reference books, and, in the final year, he reviewed all these materials again and practiced some questions. He then took the exam and passed.


She said that because of her tight schedule she rescheduled and canceled her exam many times. Finally, when her eligibility deadline came, she had no choice but to take the exam. This time she scheduled the exam within one month, prepared, and passed.

She explained how she studied with the purpose ofpassing the PMP examand then advised that aspirants not follow her example.

I gave you two instances of extreme cases, but I don’t recommend you follow either of these.


To prepare for the PMP exam, you will have to go through the following steps:

  1. Collect Information
  2. Attend the Training
  3. 准备PMP考试
  4. Attempt the Test

Collect Information


You can find information on the best study resources and培训计划的类型您可以加入35 contact hours training program.


Attend the Training

You cannot申请PMP考试until you complete your formal education in project management and earn your 35 contact hours certificate.

This should only take one week as well.

如果您打算参加新兵训练营,他们通常会在三到四天内完成课程。但是,如果您订阅了在线计划,我强烈建议您完成PMP培训as quickly as possible, even though you may have access for one year.



For your PMP exam preparation, you will have to study at least one PMP reference book; however, I recommend you use two, to give you a different perspective. This will help you understand and remember concepts in the PMBOK Guide.


If you feel you are not ready, revise the concepts and make sure your knowledge gaps are filled.



I have seen many aspirants apply for the exam right after completing the training and attempt the test within one month and fail. Then they complained that time constraints kept them from preparing well.

Don’t do this. Make a plan for your PMP exam preparation and give yourself a reasonable timeframe. Don’t usefast-tracking or crashing这里。

Prepare a realistic schedule and follow your plan. You have to understand all project management concepts and the PMBOK Guide processes to pass the PMP exam.

Attempt the Test



Good luck with您的PMP考试准备.


If you can spend three hours a day studying, three months’ duration is enough to pass your PMP exam. I suggest you do not spend any longer than three months, as you may lose interest and give up. However, in any case, I do not recommend you plan for less than two months to prepare as the exam pressure can overwhelm you.

Have you attempted the exam? How much time did you take to prepare for the PMP exam? Please share your experiences in the comments section so other PMP aspirants can benefit.

Fahad Usmani,PMP

I am Mohammad Fahad Usmani, B.E. PMP, PMI-RMP. I have been blogging on project management topics since 2011. To date, thousands of professionals have passed the PMP exam using my resources.