
pmi-rmp exam preparation

If you are interested in the PMI-RMP exam and wonder how you should begin your PMI-RMP exam preparation, this blog post will help you achieve your objective.

I passed my PMI-RMP exam in 2012, and after that have helped hundreds of professionals pass the PMI-RMP exam. In this blog post, I will provide you with all information that you will need for your PMI-RMP exam preparation.




Before you start your PMI-RMP exam preparation, you must know if you are eligible for the PMI-RMP exam.

To apply for the PMI-RMP exam, you must fulfill some requirements

PMI-RMP Eligibility Requirements

The PMI designed three sets of requirements and you have to fulfill any one of them to be eligible to apply for the PMI-RMP exam.


  • 中学文凭(高中文凭,副学士学位或全球同等学历)
  • At least 36 months experience in project risk management within the last five years
  • 40个manbetx2.0手机安卓版接触时间的项目风险管理中的正规教育
  • Four-year degree (bachelor’s degree or global equivalent)
  • At least 24 months experience in project risk management within the last five years
  • 30 contact hours of formal education in project risk management
  • Bachelor’s or post-graduate degree from a GAC accredited program (bachelor’s or master’s degree or global equivalent)
  • At least 12 months experience in project risk management within the last five years
  • 30 contact hours of formal education in project risk management

If you fulfill any of the above requirements, you can apply for the PMI-RMP exam.

Now we can move on to the next part of the PMI-RMP exam preparation.

Collect All Necessary Information

After the eligibility check, you must collect all the necessary information regarding the PMI-RMP certification exam. The right information will ensure that you are going in the right direction throughout your journey to becoming a PMI-RMP certified professional.

Visit and browse for information with a focus on PMI RMP certification.



Once you understand the PMI-RMP certification exam and its process, the next step is to start your PMI-RMP exam preparation.



The PMI-RMP exam has 170 questions, of which 20 questions are pretest questions. The marks from these questions will not be added to your score, thus there are 150 scorable questions. Since you cannot differentiate these pretest questions from real questions, assume that all 170 questions are real, and you have to answer them all correctly.

These 170 questions are spread among five risk management domains as follows:

  1. Risk Strategy and Planning: 19-20%.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement: 19-20%.
  3. Risk Process Facilitation: 25-28%.
  4. 风险监测和报告:19-20%。
  5. Perform Specialized Risk Analyses: 14-16%.

Please refer to the PMI-RMP exam content outline to know the details of what activities these domains contain.

Now we come to the key part of this blog post.

I have seen many professionals who have passed the PMP exam also take the PMI-RMP exam.


Collect all your PMP exam reference books and other related study material that you used for yourPMP exam preparation。彻底浏览它们。修改所有概念,就好像您正在为PMP考试做准备一样。

While reading the PMP exam reference books focus on the following knowledge areas:

  • Communication management
  • 资源管理
  • Quality management
  • 风险管理
  • Procurement management
  • Stakeholder management


Now, if you are not a PMP, follow this process:

Buy or borrow at least two PMP exam reference books based on the old PMP exam content guideline (before Jan-2021). If you don’t get the old version, try to get Head First PMP or Rita based on the latest version and ignore the Agile concepts.


Next, read the PMBOK Guide. Reread it.

Repeat studying the concepts until you are comfortable with the PMP concepts and the PMBOK Guide.

Now, you are ready for the PMI-RMP exam preparation.

Buy any two PMI-RMP exam preparation books. Buy Rita and any other reference book of your preference. Read these books from cover to cover, and download Practice Standard for Risk Management from your PMI account.

这本书是免费PMI成员,所以我建议you become a PMI member before applying for the PMI-RMP exam. This membership also reduces the exam fee, and it is a more significant reduction than the PMI membership fee.

Read this practice guide from cover to cover at least twice.

PMI-RMP Training

You must attend a 30 contact hours training program (or 40 hours, depending on your educational qualification) on formal risk management.

I recommend you join an在线PMI-RMP培训计划并以这种方式赚取您的联系时间manbetx2.0手机安卓版。

N.B. If you are looking for an affordable online PMI-RMP training program, you can join our PMI-RMP training program, which is available at the following URL:

PMSprout PMI-RMP Training Program

Keep your PMI-RMP exam reference books with you while completing the training. If you face any issues understanding concepts during the training, open your reference books and review it.


After completing the training, apply for the PMI-RMP certification exam. At this point I believe you have already spent around one month on your exam preparation, so schedule the exam date for two months later.

Three months of exam preparation is usually enough for the PMI-RMP exam preparation.


Please note that the PMI-RMP exam fee for non-PMI members is 670 USD, and for PMI members, it is 520 USD. So, if you are a PMI member, the savings are 150 USD. The PMI membership fee is 129, so you can see that the PMI membership is worth joining if you plan to apply for the PMI-RMP exam.

You can apply online or through the mail. The online method is quick, and the paper method will take longer; I recommend you use the online method for faster processing.

Also, understand that once you start your application, you have 90 days to complete it. You can save the form and complete it in multiple sittings.

Complete the form and apply.

After your application approved you have one year with three attempts to pass the exam. Failing to do so will bar you from applying for the exam for one year.



I recommend you use the following resources for practicing questions:



The duration of the PMI-RMP exam is three and a half hours (210 minutes), and you have to answer 170 questions.


The exam will be preceded by a tutorial and followed by a survey. The duration of the tutorial and survey is 15 minutes, and they are optional. The time for the tutorial and survey is not counted in the exam duration.

Complete the tutorial quickly and start the exam. I recommend you note down crucial concepts and formulas on the paper provided by the PearsonVUE staff. This will help you remember concepts at later stages and save you from unnecessary stress, especially while solving mathematical questions.

During my PMI-RMP exam, I took two breaks. The first break was after I finished a hundred questions and the second was after completing the rest. It took around two and a half hours for me to complete the test.

I used the remaining times to revise my questions.

I recommend you do the same. Take two breaks, and after the last break, spend time revising questions.

After revising all questions, submit the answers. After submitting answers, you will complete a survey, and your result will be shown.

I hope you see the congratulatory message.


Keep the following points in mind while preparing for the PMI-RMP exam:

#1. Join a Support Group


You can participate in your local PMI chapter activities and find out who is preparing for the PMI-RMP exam, and network with those professionals. Meet regularly and discuss issues you are facing and help others solve their problems.

In your chapter meeting, you will meet many PMI-RMP professionals. Ask for their lessons learned and learn from them.



#2. Prepare Your Braindump

While preparing for the PMI-RMP exam, I recommend you make notes. Note down important points, formulas, summaries of the chapter, etc.

If you like drawing, you can create memory maps.

Keep enhancing and updating your notes as you study more and get more reading material. This will be a great asset for your exam preparation.


Note that braindumps are helpful for the person who made them. Reading others’ braindumps is a waste of time, and in fact, it may confuse you.



There is no negative marking in the PMI-RMP exam, so you should not leave any questions unanswered.

Even if you don’t know the correct answer, selecting a random answer gives you a 25% chance of being correct. Leaving an answer blank guarantees that you will get no mark.



The right strategy is to review the answers and remove whatever is obviously incorrect. If you can remove one incorrect answer, your chances of being correct increase to 33%, and if you can remove two wrong answers, your chances of being correct increase to 50%.

#4. Get Enough Rest Before the Exam

This is important. You must not be stressed or tired during the exam. Get enough rest and a good sleep before the exam day. If you don’t know the exam center location, find the location one day before the scheduled date. This will help avoid unnecessary stress in finding the exam center location.

Don’t look for new resources at the last moment; if required, you can review whatever you have studied and go through your braindump.

A calm mind ensures that you give 100% to the exam.



Good luck with your PMI-RMP exam preparation.

How is your PMI-RMP exam preparation going? Please share your experiences through the comments section.

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Recommended Resources


The PMP Training Program



