23 capm contact hours training

Attending 23 contact hours training in project management is aneligibility requirement for the CAPM examif you don’t have the required project management experience.

Many visitors asked me to provide them with good, online, cheap training programs for the CAPM exam. I used to recommend they take the PMP training program as no online CAPM training programs were available in the past.

However, now many renowned sources are providing 23 contact hours training programs for the CAPM exam. So, if you have not attended any training, you can join a CAPM training program.

In fact, attending a CAPM training program for the CAPM exam has a few advantages:

  • The training will be specific to the CAPM exam
  • You can get CAPM practice questions and one or more mock tests
  • You receive other CAPM exam specific material, tips, and tricks

23 Contact Hours CAPM Training Programs

I will show you one CAPM training program from where you can earn your 23 contact hours.

The course content is based on the latest exam content outline applicable from January 2021, and they are 100% online and self-paced.

PM PrepCast for CAPM

PM PrepCast for CAPM was developed by Mr. Cornelius Fichtner. He is a well-known trainer for the PMP certification exam. This course contains video sessions explaining the entire PMBOK Guide.


This course provides you with 60 contact hours, which is 37 contact hours more than required. So, if your CAPM credential has expired and you want to apply for the PMP exam, you can do it without attending another training program.

The price of this program is 229 USD, and it comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

The price of this program is high, but it is worthwhile.

Click here to subscribe to this course now


You will find many CAPM training programs. These three programs are well known for their quality, have solid support, and are affordable, online, and self-paced. Since the CAPM is an entry-level exam, you should not spend a lot of money on costly training programs. Pass the CAPM exam, gain experience, and then apply for the PMP exam.

Have you attended CAPM training? If not, I recommend you select any training from this post.
